Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Shift in Weather

Here in Vancouver summer has arrived. The weather has changed from torrential downpours every few days to clear blue skies and oppressive heat. Often the sun is not obscured by any clouds (they all fled to the far reaches of the sky) and the sun’s rays hit us and pummel our skin. Our house acts like a giant heat catcher and we swelter inside on days when the sky is a clear and hazy blue.

However, with the warmer weather came the flowers et al. Salmonberries put out crimson bundles of colour and the mountains lost their carpeting of snow. Now the Salmonberry flowers have been replaced with hard green berries—soon to be sweet juicy orange ones.

The forest has come alive! I watched with anticipation as the forest grew a fine mist of green foliage between the dark trunks of the hemlocks. And the forest is growing. There is soft fluorescent green on the tips of the trees. The Oregon Grape has put out tender green shoots that feel like satin. Even the birds are growing, at least their population is. Whenever I walk in the forest I think I have jumped continents to a tropical rainforest. There are so many bird calls that the “quiet” forest is louder than our street.

Unfortunately, theone bird that hasn’t put in an appearance are our resident Barred Owls. We have spotted no young this year. For the past eight years there have been baby Barred Owls in the forest. We always watch them until they reach adulthood, at which point they leave. But no fluffy downy babies this year. We are worried that something may have happened to the adult pair. If so, our spring and early summers will never be the same. There is something so magical about owls and they way they glide soundlessly through the trees. If a head is not raised at the opportune moment, the owls pass as if never having existed.


With the change in weather came a complete mind switch for me. When the weather was grey and damp, the mountains sucked my thoughts towards them. There could be no precipitation without me thinking of skiing. Consequently, I went skiing every moment I could arrange it. I was always worried about snow levels and whether how much school I could miss…

But now kayaking dominates my thoughts. I can’t see a life vest, the ocean, or the sun without wishing to be on the water. Every waking moment is spent agonizing over how soon I can get to Lasqueti and go paddling! Maddeningly, the next few weeks are exam time. I won’t have time to sleep, let alone do fun activities such as thinking about kayaking (I’m not yet sure whether this is good or bad). Exam time is crazy. My family stays clear, and I try not to go insane.

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