Thursday, February 9, 2012

Traveling Blues

Exactly five months ago, I was petrified at the thought of flying alone.  I wasn’t just scared of the plane itself; I was also anxious because I would need to interact with strangers.  I was worried about how I would navigate through strange places solo.  Now, as I fly home, this doesn’t worry me at all.  Sure, I’m apprehensive about the flight, but not about my stopover in Toronto, or clearing customs there.  Even if I miss my plane, I now have the confidence that I will manage.  Somehow.
—Written waiting for my flight to Toronto. 

So, I didn’t miss my flight, but it is delayed 3.5 hours.  I ran through customs and raced up stairs only to arrive to a deserted gate.  I thought I was in the wrong place, but nooo, other unhappy passengers soon started showing up too.  Now we’re all waiting.  And sitting.  And complaining.  Most of us are on our computers.  I wonder if security would be unhappy if I pulled out my fiddle and started playing the blues?
—Written during my 3.5 hour delay in Toronto.   

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