Monday, September 8, 2008

September 1/2

September 1

I spent this morning alone. Momma, Jenny and Sue left at 6:30 to start their field work. Daddy and Georgie went out with Michael Poole again. They were hoping to have the same amazing whale experience that Momma and I had, but no such luck. They only saw one whale, and one group of dolphins. However, the whale they saw was a singer. They heard it first through the hydrophone, and when it was under the boat, they heard bubbling up through the water. Georgie said that Dory’s whale talk in Finding Nemo was pretty accurate.

I went to Romilda’s house to paint the view from their backyard. But that was after I took a cold shower. I didn’t want my shower to be cold, but the water wouldn’t heat up. It turns out that if the other bungalow is using the water, then you don’t get any, also, the water never truly heats up. After my not-so-pleasant shower I walked over to Romilda’s where I contentedly painted for the next four hours.

September 2

Before Georgie woke up I worked on my painting. And then after for the next several hours I worked on my schoolwork. My schoolwork regime is one lesson from my math text book a day. When I have problems with my math, which is pretty often, I get help from Sue. When she returned to school 6 years ago to retrain to be a surveyor, she had to re-learn high math and used the same text books that I’m using. She doesn’t like them either. It’s great having her help me. In addition to my math, I am also speaking French, or, at least, listening to French.

In the afternoon Taufa took us to a wonderful beach to snorkel. It’s a public beach that mostly gets used by locals on Sundays, after church. When we were there, it was just an empty white sand beach. Not bad. Georgie and Taufa had a blast making sand balls and pretending to throw them at me. They didn’t actually throw them, because they were too precious to wreck.