Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Summer is here! I wrote my last exam, the eighth, last Wednesday and now I am FREE. After an unbelievably hectic year, I now have the luxury of an entire two months of relaxing. I plan to use my time in a productive manner--reading, reading, sleeping, swimming, reading...
Actually, I do have some things that need to be accomplished. My violin playing has sadly been a wee bit lax this past year with all my homework and such. So, I intend to practice intensively to prepare for Swing Camp (we are going back!). Painting will also resume its normal place as a favoured activity.
The only "fly in my ointment" is that I will be taking Math 12 by correspondence this summer. I really shouldn't be grouching, it was my idea, but more homework really doesn't seem conducive to my health. Sigh.
As an unfortunate piece of dramatic irony, the weather here has been miserable. Ever since exams have ended, the skies have either been gray and cloudy, or precipitating enthusiastically. While enthusiasm is lauded in school, the workplace and among friends, overeager rain is a sad and sorry sight. Not to mention damp. My poor pea plants are stunted and twisted from all this frigid (temperature, like velocity, is relative) weather.