Sunday, July 4, 2010

Confusion of Words

This morning dawned bright and cloudy. At least, that was the weather at ten o’clock, not at dawn. I leapt out of bed and eagerly began my math for the day, not. However, I did stare in confusion at different notations and graphs, but I wasn’t eager or cheerful. My worst fears have been realized: this course of math over the summer is preventing the decay of my brain. I really want to spend the whole summer reading in the sun, but this math is averting that. Woe to me.
One may not think that reading tous le temp can cause problems, but it does. A problem of being such an avid reader is that I often don’t know how to pronounce words. People in normal conversations with normal people never use a large part of my vocabulary. So, with depressing frequency (once is too many), I will say a sentence, and no one will know what I mean. This morning that mispronounced word was volition. Somehow I had memorized it as violition. Last month the word was epitome. I was under the impression that epitome was pronounced phonetically as epi-tome (tome, as in a large book). So, for those who wish to be a bookworm, think again; books cause consternation, embarrassment and are highly addictive.